Driver Aha 2940 Xp
Driver Aha 2940 Xp

SCSI always had an advantage over old Parallel IDE in that it could offload the disk activity overhead from the host CPU and also use DMA bus mastering by default. It will be faster than IDE of that period, especially if you pair it with a 10 or 15K hard drive (but beware, those are noisy). Adaptec has drivers for DOS and most older versions of Windows, as well as various UNIX flavours. Make sure to get one with its own SCSI BIOS so you can boot from it. Perhaps I've had the 2940AU version, but they're very similar, 2940UW supports wide SCSI in addition for a bit of extra speed. I actually had that card in my Compaq PC back in 1997-99, so I'd say it's suitable. Does it have a BIOS extension so it can boot from SCSI? Will it be any faster than IDE? The Adaptec AHA-2940UW PCI card looks cheap and plentiful on eBay, and I was wondering if people here have experience using them and if they're suitable for a 1996-97 era DOS/Win9x system. I am looking to finally start putting to use all the parts I've collected for a VS440FX/Pentium Pro build, but one thing I'm still missing is storage.

Driver Aha 2940 Xp